Category Archives: Events

Tales from the Summer 2023

Society members and guests met to explore some of the little gems often hidden in Huntingdonshire, and a little beyond.

On the evening of the Wednesday 7th June we had an evening stroll around Needingworth under the expert tutelage of Peter Cooper.

The afternoon of Wednesday 28th June, we visited the medieval church in Diddington to explore its history and that of the village. Afterwards we descended upon Holy Trinitiy Church in Great Paxton to explore its history, and tea and cake with the church council members.

Thursday 20th July we ventured a little outside of Huntingdonshire to explore the Nottingham to Grantham canal and its importance to the industrial development of the Vale of Belvoir. (A hearty lunch in the Dirty Duck pub was most welcome!)

The adfternoon of Thursday 24th August we had an afternoon in Northborough to explore the medieval church, the Manor and the history of the buildings on Church Street.

On Saturday 2nd September, in a joint excursion with Cambridge Antiquarian Society and the Churches Conservation Trust, we had a personal tour of Lincoln Cathedral.

To read more about the excursions, please click on the link [excursion report]