Goodliff Awards for 2024
This year we had an unprecedented number of applicants and we are very pleased to announce that the following were successful in being selected for a Goodliff Award. Our President, Julie Montagu, Viscountess Hinchingbrooke, presented the Certificates at a Cermony in the Huntingdon Town Hall on 16th October to all the awardees.

Goodliff Awardees 2024
Awardees from left to right: Keith Grimwade (Watermills of the Gt Ouse), David Stokes (Godmanchester Museum), Julie Montagu (Viscountess Hinchingbrooke), Liz St Hill-Davies (Friends of St Neots Museum), Susan Mortlock Rajasinghe, Stuart Orme (Cromwell Museum), Paul Grey (Pepys House Trust), Bridget Flanagan (Watermills of the Gt Ouse), Jane Curr and Steve Watson (RAmsey Rural Museum)
Mary Newman on behalf of Godmanchester Museum, To design, produce and display information boards for public local historical education about the Godmanchester henge and cursus which describe their size, orientation and potential significance.
Paul Gray on behalf of Pepys House Trust, Opening Pepys House to the public. To cover some costs of a part-time Project Coordinator over 6 months, as well as some costs to cover the preparations needed to make ready the historic rooms for public
Stuart Orme on behalf of The Cromwell Museum, Phase 2 of Cromwell Trail project – the restoration of the original pavement plaques which were installed in 1999
Adrian Sington on behalf of The Friends of St Mary’s Church, Godmanchester, the St Mary’s Church, North Aisle History Project has been set up to examine and display the historical contents of the church and churchyard and aspects of local history in the immediate surrounding area.
Liz St Hill – Davies on behalf of Friends of St Neots Museum, To conserve a rare garnet-inlaid Anglo-Saxon Disc brooch found close to St Neots and now gifted to the Museum as part of a larger display project
Mike Addis on behalf of the Huntingdonshire History Festival, To run a free event for the people of Huntingdon and the surrounding area. A “Pathfinders” re-enactment based on the “Ops room” during WW2 for the Pathfinders of Huntingdon.
Susan Mortlock Rajasinghe, Publication of a booklet about the life of Billy Mortlock, a Godmanchester Boy. The book contains reminiscences as well as anecdotes from the Hunts Post and aims at providing a picture of Godmanchester life
Jane Curr on behalf of Ramsey Rural Museum, To produce a dedicated leaflet for children aged 5 – 11. This would be given to each child as they arrive to visit the museum. By engaging the interest of youngsters in the Museum at an early age, we hope to foster
Shan Oswald on behalf of St Thomas a Becket Church, Ramsey, To produce a new booklet about the history of the church and a large welcome image of a Benedictine monk.
Keith Grimwade and Bridget Flanagan, The publication of ‘Watermills on the Great Ouse’
Great Fen Heritage Group, Transfer of audio files, conservation and storage of archives
Previous Goodliff Award Winners
Information and photographs of previous years awards and recipients can be accessed through the links below:
Goodliff Awards for 2013 – no awards were given.
Goodliff Award Publications
Some of the previous winners of a Goodliff Award have published books or leaflets, here are a few examples [here]